Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Comparison of Private and Public Schools
Comparison of Private and Public Schools Are you someone who is considering whether or not private schools are better than public schools? Many families want to know more about the differences and similarities between private and public schools, and weve outlined several of the differences and similarities for you here. Whats Taught Public schools must adhere to state standards regarding what can be taught and how it is presented. Certain subjects such as religion and sexual practices are taboo. Rulings in many court cases over the years have determined the scope and limits of what can be taught and how it is presented in public school. By contrast, a private school can teach whatever it likes and present it in any way it chooses. Thats because parents choose to send their children to a specific school which has a program and educational philosophy with which they are comfortable. That doesnt mean that private schools run wild and dont provide a quality education; they still undergo rigorous accreditation processes regularly to ensure that they are providing the best educational experience possible. However, there is a similarity. As a rule, both public and private high schools require a certain number of credits in core subjects such as English, mathematics, and science in order to graduate. Admission Standards While public schools must accept all students within their jurisdiction with few exceptions. Behavior is one of those exceptionsà and really bad behavior which must be well-documented over time. A private school, on the other hand, accepts any student it wishes to according to its academic and other standards. It is not required to give a reason why it has refused to admit anyone. Its decision is final. Both private and public schools use some kind of testing and review transcripts to determine the grade level for new students. Accountability Public schools must comply with a host of federal, state and local laws and regulations including No Child Left Behind, Title I, etc. The number of regulations with which a public school must comply is vast. In addition, public schools must also comply with all the state and local building, fire and safety codes just as the private schools must. Private schools, on the other hand, must observe federal, state and local laws such as annual reports to the IRS, maintenance of state-required attendance, curriculum and safety records and reports, compliance with local building, fire and sanitation codes. There is plenty of regulation, inspection, and review of the operations of both private and public schools. Accreditation Accreditation is generally required for public schools in most states. While accreditation for private schools is optional, most college prep schools seek and maintain accreditation from the major accrediting organizations. The process of peer review is a good thing for both private and public schools. Graduation Rates The rate of public school students graduating high school is actually on the rise since 2005-2006, maxing out at 82% in 2012-2013, with about 66% of students going on to college. A variety of factors come into play which results in that relatively low matriculation rate. The drop-out rate in public schools tends to have a negative effect on matriculation data, and many students who enter into trade careers tend to enroll at public schools rather than private, which decreases the rate of students who go on to college. In private schools, the matriculation rate to college is typically in the 95% and up range. Minority students who attend a private high school are more likely to attend college than minority students who attend public school according to NCES data. The reason why most private high schools do well in this area is that they are generally selective. They will only accept students who can do the work, and they tend to accept students whose goals are to continue in college.à Private schools also offer personalized college counseling programs to help students find the best fit colleges for them.à Cost Funding differs greatly between private and public schools. Public schools are not allowed to charge any tuition fees in most jurisdictions at the elementary level. You will encounter modest fees in high schools. Public schools are funded largely by local property taxes, though many districts also receive funding from state and federal sources. Private schools charge for every aspect of their programs. Fees are determined by market forces. Private school tuition averages about $9,582 per student according to Private School Review. Breaking that down further, private elementary schools tend to be $8,522 a year, while secondary schools average nearly $13,000. The average boarding school tuition, however, is $38,850, according to College Bound. Private schools take no public funding. As a result, they must operate with balanced budgets. Discipline Discipline is handled differently in private schools vs public schools. Discipline in public schools is somewhat complicated because students are governed by due process and constitutional rights. This has the practical effect of making it difficult to discipline students for minor and major infractions of the schools code of conduct. Private school students are governed by the contract which they and their parents sign with the school. It clearly spells out consequences for what the school considers unacceptable behavior. Safety Violence in public schools is a top priority for administrators and teachers. The highly-publicized shootings and other acts of violence which have taken place in public schools have resulted in the application of stringent rules and security measures such as metal detectors to help create and maintain a safe learning environment. Private schools are generally safe places. Access to campuses and buildings is carefully monitored and controlled. Because schools usually have fewer students than a public school, it is easier to supervise the school population. Both private and public school administrators have your childs safety on top of their list of priorities. Teacher Certification There are someà key differences between private and public schools regarding Teacher Certification. For example, public school teachers must be certified by the state in which they are teaching. Certification is granted once statutory requirements such as education courses and teaching practice are met. The certificate is valid for a set number of years and must be renewed. In most states, private school teachers can teach without a teaching certificate. Most private schools prefer teachers to become certified as a condition of employment. Private schools tend to hire teachers with a bachelors or masters degree in their subject.à Article edited byà Stacy Jagodowski
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Requerimientos de ingresos para patrocinar green card
Requerimientos de ingresos para patrocinar green card Si usted es ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente legales y est en el proceso de solicitar una green card para uno o varios de susà familiares, tendr que demostrar recursos econà ³micos suficientes. Si no puede hacerlo, la peticià ³n ser denegada. Pero, à ¿quà © cantidad de dinero se considera suficiente? La respuesta viene fijada por la ley y va a depender de: nà ºmero de personas que conforman su familia, de dà ³nde se vive y tambià ©n de si se tiene la condicià ³n de militar en activo o no. En este artà culo se resuelven esas inquietudes. Adems, se informa sobre quà © se puede computar como ingresos para obtener la cantidad que se pide, en quà © momento hay que demostrar dichos ingresos y, por à ºltimo, quà © se puede hacer si no se ingresa la cantidad requerida. Requerimientos de ingresos para patrocinar la green card a un familiar Los requerimientos financierosà son distintos segà ºn las categorà as: Familia Militares Alaska Hawaii Resto estados y PR 1 $11,880 $18,550 $17,087.5 $14,850 2 $16,020 $25,025 $23,037.5 $20,025 3 $20,160 $31,500 $28,987.5 $25,200 4 $24,300 $37,975 $34,937.5 $30,375 5 $28,440 $44,450 $40,887.5 $35,550 6 $32,580 $50,935 $46,887.5 $40,725 7 $36,730 $57,300 $52,787.5 $45,912.5 8 $40,890 $63,900 $58,762.5 $51,112.5 Cà ³mo entender la tablaà Existe una categorà a para militares en activo que son miembros del Army, los Marines, la Guardia Costera, las Fuerzas Aà ©reas o la Navy deben tener ingresos que equivalen al 100 por 100 de la cantidad fijada como là nea à o umbral de la pobreza, que es una cantidad que fija cada aà ±o el gobierno. Y es la que aparece en la tabla superior en la columna que dice: militares. Las diferencias corresponde al nà ºmero de miembros de la familia del solicitante. Para los que no son militares aplican cantidades distintas segà ºn el lugar en el que se radique. Asà , los patrocinadores que residen en Alaska deben probar ingresos por al menos el 125 por ciento de la là nea de la pobreza para ese estado, que ya est calculada para este aà ±o y es la que aparece en la tabla superior bajo el nombre de ese estado. Los mismo aplica a los residentes de Hawaii. Por à ºltimo, los patrocinadores que ni son militares ni residen en Alaska o Hawaii deben probar ingresos superiores al 125 por ciento de la là nea de la pobreza fijada por ley para lo que se conoce como los 48 estados continuos. Adems, estoà aplica tambià ©n a Washington D.C. y al estado libre asociado de Puerto Rico. Son las cantidades que aparecen en la tabla superior en la columna bajo Resto de los estados y PR (Puerto Rico). à ¿Cà ³mo se computan los ingresos para decidir si se cumplen con los requerimientos financieros? La forma ms rpida de saber si se tienen ingresos suficientes para patrocinar a un familiar es verificar la declaracià ³n de impuestos à ºltima (tax returns). Si se llenà ³ la planilla 1040 o la 1040A, checar la là nea de gross income. Si se completà ³ el formulario 1040EZ, verificar la de adjusted gross income. Son ingresos aquellos que proceden del trabajo, negocios, dividendos de acciones, intereses, desempleo, compensatoria por matrimonio (alimony) y tambià ©n la pensià ³n alimenticia por nià ±os (child support) o beneficios como recibir vivienda gratis por parte del empleador. Sin embargo, no se pueden considerar ingresos los que proceden de programas del gobierno calificados como means-tested. Es decir, cupones de alimentos, Medicaid, Ingresos Complementarios de Seguridad (SSI), Asistencia Temporal para Familias en Necesidad (TANF) y CHIP, un seguro mà ©dico para nià ±os. Es importante destacar que sà se puede patrocinar a un familiar si se reciben uno o varios de esos beneficios calificados como means-tested. Lo que no se puede hacer es sumar esos ingresos al total de ingresos para asà obtener la cantidad mà nima que pide la ley para patrocinar. Es decir, dicha cantidad hay que obtenerla sin la suma de lo que se recibe por benefiicios means-tested. Con respecto a los beneficios means-tested conviene resaltar una caracterà stica ms. Y es que si el patrocinador los recibe y su peticià ³n es aprobada tiene que tener en cuenta que si el patrocinado se beneficia de los means-tested el gobierno va a reclamar al patrocinador que se le regresen esos pagos. Adems, en relacià ³n a los ingresos conviene saber cà ³moà afectan las deudas y el mal crà ©dito a los asuntos migratorios Si los ingresos no son suficientes, à ¿se pueden incluir otros bienes del patrocinado, como por ejemplo propiedades? La respuesta es sà , excepto en el caso de que el formulario que se emplee en la declaracià ³n de sostenimiento tambià ©n conocida como declaracià ³n jurada de patrocinio econà ³mico o por su nombre en inglà ©s deà affidavit of support, sea el I-864EZ. En todos los dems casos, sà se puede. Los bienes que pueden utilizarse son todos aquellos que pueden ser fcilmente vendidos y convertidos en dinero. Es decir, viviendas u otros inmuebles raà ces, bonos o acciones. Se considera la cantidad que resulta de su valor despuà ©s de restar cargos como, por ejemplo, hipotecas. En este caso hay reglas diferentes sobre el valor que deben alcanzar. En el caso de patrocinio de adoptados que adquirà an la ciudadanà a estadounidense al ingresar al paà s, se pide que el valor de los bienes sea igual a la diferencia que existe entre los ingresos del patrocinador y los que se le pide por ley segà ºn el tamaà ±o de la familia. Sin embargo, si se trata del patrocinio de un ciudadano a su cà ³nyuge o a un hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, el valor de esos bienes debe ser al menos 3 veces superior a la cantidad que existen de diferencia entre los ingresos del patrocinador y la cantidad que deberà a ingresar segà ºn el tamaà ±o de su familia. Y, finalmente, en todos los dems casos, el valor de esos bienes debe ser al menos 5 veces ms que la diferencia entre lo que el patrocinador est ingresando y la cantidad que se le pide por ley. Y si no es suficiente, à ¿se pueden incluir bienes y/o ingresos de la persona patrocinada? La respuesta es sà , pero con importantes limitaciones que se deben tener en cuenta. En el caso de los ingresos, por ejemplo, porque la persona que se pide est trabajando, se pueden tener en cuenta siempre y cuando sea là ³gico esperar que una una vez que obtiene la green card continà ºa recibià ©ndolos de la misma fuente de ingresos. à Adems, en este caso, si la patrocinada es una persona es distinta al cà ³nyuge del patrocinador, debe estar en la actualidad residiendo en el mismo hogar. Por ejemplo, una ciudadana americana se casa con un maestro que est en Estados Unidos trabajando como maestro con una visa H-1B y decide patrocinarlo para la green card. En este caso, si los medios econà ³micos de la ciudadana no son suficientes para patrocinar puede contar los de su esposo, si se espera que seguir trabajando para la misma escuela una vez que se convierte en residente. Sin embargo un caso muy distinto serà a el de una ciudadana casada con un maestro que trabaja en Mà ©xico. Aquà no puede contar con esos ingresos del cà ³nyuge, porque una vez que el esposo obtenga la green card se mudarà a a Estados Unidos y dejarà a de tener esos ingresos. Por otro lado, sà es posible contabilizar los bienes, como por ejemplo, propiedades o acciones, que la persona pedida tiene en el extranjero si se cumplen todos de los siguientes requisitos: pueda convertirse en dinero en à un plazo mximo de 12 meses se pueda ingresar ese dinero en Estados Unidos. Algunos paà ses no permiten el envà o de divisas al extranjero o ponen là mites, por lo tanto esto hay que tenerlo en cuentay finalmente, el valor neto de esos bienes debe ser al menos cinco veces ms grande que la diferencia entre los ingresos de la persona que pide y lo que por ley debe ingresar para poder patrocinar.à Lo que no se puede contabilizar para esta cumplir con la obligacià ³n de demostrar ingresos suficientes para patrocinar es una oferta firme de empleo diciendo que una vez que el patrocinado se convierte en residente tendr un trabajo. Sin embargo, esta carta sà que puede ser interesante tenerla y mostrarla en el consulado no por la razà ³n de la que habla este artà culo sino para demostrar que no existe el problema de ser un riesgo de carga pà ºblica. Esto à ºltimo convierte a una persona en inadmisible y serà a causa de negar la green card. à ¿Existe la posibilidad de un co-patrocinador? En el caso en el que el patrocinador no puede cumplir con el requisito de ingreso puede buscar un co-patrocinador, à es lo que se conoce como joint sponsor. Esta persona tiene que saber claramente que asume responsabilidades legales al firmar como tal el affidavit of support. Adems, debe cumplir con una serie de requisitos: 18 aà ±os de edad o ms Ciudadano americano o residente permanente legal que tiene su domicilio habitual en uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o en sus territorios, como por ejemplo, el estado libre asociado de Puerto Rico.El co-patrocinador debe cumplir con el requisito de ingresos segà ºn el tamaà ±o de su familia Tambià ©n hay que destacar que el co-patrocinador no tiene que ser familiar ni del pedido ni de la persona que pide los papeles para su familiar. Y que incluso es posible tener ms de un co-patrocinador pero no ms de dos para el caso en los que se pide a un migrante con varios familiares incluidos en esa peticià ³n.à A tener muy en cuenta Segà ºn el tipo de peticià ³n, el momento de presentar el affidavit of support y la documentacià ³n de apoyo puede demorarse muchos aà ±os. Primero se aprueba el I-130 y luego tiene lugar una segunda fase, que puede ser un ajuste de estatus o un procedimiento consular. Es en esta segunda parte donde tiene que demostrarse que se cumple el requisito. No en la primera de peticià ³n mediante el I-130. Precisamente porque se tarda tanto en algunos tipos de peticiones, como muestra el boletà n de visas publicado por el Departamento de Estado, algunos patrocinadores pueden decidir desistir de la peticià ³n. Si se sigue adelante, es importante asesorarse con un abogado migratorio reputado si se tienen dudas sobre cà ³mo llenar las planillas del affidavit of support o cualquier otra. Y tener siempre presente que mentir en un formulario migratorio tiene consecuencias graves. Finalmente, es muy recomendable tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la green card porque aclara de forma sencilla dudas e inquietudes frecuentes sobre asuntos muy relacionados con la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia y responsabilidades para mantenerla. Este artà culo es informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Advance Software Engineering Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Advance Software Engineering - Term Paper Example We need to incorporate the awareness regarding the state of the art in project management, risk assessment models and management, of the software development process. Here we will also spotlight the duties and responsibilities of a professional Software Engineer. This whole analysis of the situation will provide a better insight into to determining appropriate criteria against which to select development strategies for specific circumstances. As introducing the company (OF-FACsystems Ltd) we find out that this company established in 2002 as a small specialist software house. Initially the company has stared the software development through the ââ¬Å"off-the-shelfâ⬠system development methodology. In the starting days of the business of the OF-FACsystems Ltd has not adopted some better project management and development methodologies, but they were successful in the overall customer satisfaction and client convenience. As time passed the company size evolved and now company has a more bigger and better working setup regarding the development and implementation of the software products. For taking a better competitive edge and capturing the overall local software development market we need to implement better systems development methodologies and procedures for the enhanced software working and quality. This report is aimed to provide a better and deep insight into the overall better methodologies implementation and incorporation in the organization working system development areas. This section will provide a better overview of the main quality assurance and implementation criteria for the enhanced awareness of quality assurance and QMS. These implementations of the quality assurance parameters in the organization system development areas will ensure the better working style and effective management of the software development projects. Here we need to develop a critical awareness in system developer
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4
E-commerce - Essay Example In this essay, the author claims that E-commerce often is the electronic commerce, its a kind of business in which the sale of products and solutions or both companies executed about electronic devices including the Web and other home PC networks to further improve institutional general performance. The development of e-commerce has reformed corporation across nations. From when it had been released, companies have taken gain it to, enhance essay online service products, improve their marketplace share, grow profitability and scale down shipping and delivery time. E-commerce was basically non-existent in most parts within the world. In the 21st century, rapid development of information technology and the rapid increase in information exchange have brought new drives and innovative ideas to the whole society. The wide adoption of information technology by the community has led to great changes. These changes are not simply in the context of data processing. They are changes which affe ct how we communicate with each other, how we organize our daily activities, how we educate the younger generation, and how we run the business. The development and wide adoption of information technology, computer network, and the Internet have transformed the mode of operation of many businesses, and at the same time have brought along unprecedented business opportunities. Businesses are now able to conduct transactions across geographical boundaries. One of the best essays on e-commerce. Hurry up and get your highest-A potential work just now!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Canadian International School and Asia Essay Example for Free
Canadian International School and Asia Essay There are certain things in life that are taken for granted. Some people would feel contented with what they have, while others would have a bigger yearning to become someone. Sometimes, what we yearn for in life becomes the very core of our existence, making us hardworking and persevering. My high school was spent in Asia, where I was exposed to numerous realities. I graduated from the Canadian International School and Asia, and I must say that I was provided with the necessary knowledge in order to become prepared for the real world. Eventually, I was given the opportunity to study at the NAME OF UNIVERSITY. The short time I spent there was enough for me to become equipped with the necessary knowledge that would allow me to follow my dreams. However, I believe that I would be able to spread my wings further if I studied at the NAME OF UNIVERSITY in Vancouver, Canada. For this, I am showing my interest in taking up NAME OF DEGREE from your university. Studying at the NAME OF UNVIERSITY would not come as a challenge, for I have been previously exposed to the Canadian way of teaching. In this regard, I would not have much difficulty adjusting to the culture, and instead become more proficient in class. I would become more comfortable with my environment, at the same time be able to express myself further in the best possible way that I can. As mentioned earlier, it is my belief that your university would become one of my keystones in achieving my goals in life. Although some would opt to think that the success of an individual is not based on the school, I beg to disagree. Some of the important factors to be learned in life are based on the foundation that institutions have inculcated in their students. Since I have been a product of a Canadian institution in high school, I wish to strengthen my knowledge and beliefs further with your help. Life is always about taking risks ââ¬â these are the choices that we make in order to fulfill our dreams.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
On October 29th, 1929 the stock market crashed in the United States. This day was known as Black Tuesday, the day which signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. In the most tragic day in the American nationââ¬â¢s stock market history with major wipe outs in market, the values and prices of stocks plummeted due to shareholders liquidation of stocks which had to be sold at any price necessary (New York Times of October 30, 1929). By the year 1933, a quarter of American families, who were heavily dependent on their jobs, were unemployed. Unemployment levels had reached an unprecedented high level, adding hardship to the lives of the American people. Many people at that time were forced out of their homes and onto the streets as they lost their jobs or were forced to work at jobs which barely allowed them to provide food, much less payments on a house. Millions of people moved into what were commonly referred to as ââ¬Å"Shanty townsâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Hoovervilleââ¬â¢sâ⬠, as the president at the time was Herbert Hoover, who was not popular amongst the American people and was widely blamed for the start of the depression. City streets filled with breadlines, soup kitchen lines, people looking for food, and then the unemployment lines kept growing out the door and into the streets. The American men would leave their families to travel and look for employment in the farm lands across the countries in order to provide for their families. In some cases they would not come into contact with their family in months. This fractured the structure of family lives. The American people became quickly frustrated with the little to no improvement of the situation and the effort which President Hoover was putting into the relief of the economic situation. Come 1932 t... now fully become a part of the war effort. With the idea of isolationism long gone with the attack on Pearl Harbor, America quickly began to rise back to its feet still suffering from the Great Depression. The countries economy rose as well as the steel industry, companies such as Ford who closed their Rouge plant in Detroit which promised many jobs during the Great Depression responded to war production by creating jobs for thousands of Americans. With the building of naval ships, tanks and planes the economy of the United States began to notice a rapidly increasing economy. As seen in the chart below, American unemployment rates fell drastically from the years 1940 to 1945 which marked the end of the war. According to Robert S. McElvaine ââ¬Å"The buildup of 1940-41 did more to relive American industry and reduce unemployment than had any New Deal Programâ⬠(320).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Security and Privacy in Workplace
1. 0 Introduction Whalen and Gates (2010), define monitoring differently in their article. They define it as a method and procedure of examining the workers in an organization and study their constant events intended to guarantee that together the protection of employees and requirements of the employer are met. Nearly all companies nowadays take videos of their employees, they read their emails and monitor their Web surfing. This can be done surreptitiously and some organizations are honest about it Chan et al. (2005). Privacy is one of the most important things that are immensely fitting to be something of the past.In general companies are permitted to observe employee activities by the courts. Private companies have been setting rules in situations when employees are taken into service for instance contracts that affirm that they will be monitoring employeesââ¬â¢ use of the Internet or any company tools (Chieh and Kleiner, 2003). Efforts have been made in arrangement for laws t hat protect business and the employees, regrettably most current court cases have been deceiving evidence in the eyes of the magistrates thus confidentiality or privacy laws have been unsuccessful for employees.It has been recommended that government, big firms and industries and health care systems should have the capability to tape and study workers activities as it is a benefit to research and development for several years. Most legislation is the same opinion that laws should be set in place even though the breach of human rights forbid them from approaching the issue to a law level (Welebir and Kleiner, 2005). Sadly, comprehensible defenses of privacy opposed to security may never be evident from the view point of the law.Employersââ¬â¢ main apprehension is the decrease in productivity, virus attacks/ damaged equipment (i. e. computers), legal charges and loss of classifies data. Employeesââ¬â¢ major worry is incursion of their privacy, mistreatment of control and precisi on in their work. A survey conducted in the year 2000, is that sixty two percent of the employees use Internet resources once a day for their private reasons and twenty percent of them use it for at least ten times.This is why employer is at unease because a large number of workers are using company property for their own use and not for the business purposes. According to Watson (2002) sopports the idea that productivity is what most companies are concerned about such that if employees use them for their own private uses it will negatively affect productivity. It is compulsory for them to put regulations and policies that will help them monitor employees and their activities during working hours.Some of the main things that companies use are telephone monitoring particularly when personal calls are made, electronic surveillance, drug testing and verification of emails sent externally for private reasons. Reasons why companies make use of policies is for the reason of a decrease in productivity , sensitive material which arise from unpleasant email usage, workplace accidents caused by prohibited drug use, employees bitterness over monitoring of computers and sexual harassment complaints prompted by dating among workmates. 2. 0 Research Objectives R01.To identify if security and privacy actions affect things like productivity in the workplace/organization R02. To state some of the security and privacy actions that some companies are implementing in the workplace R03. To analyze whether organizations nowadays are focusing more on prioritizing their security initiatives thus undermining their employees and their personal lives R04. To evaluate if companies are using the right tools, technologies and methods to maintain good quality security and privacy within their organization 3. 0 Research QuestionsRQ1. What do organizations hope to achieve by implementing security in their companies? RQ2. What effect does security and privacy actions have on productivity in th e organization? RQ3. Do organizations of nowadays focus more on prioritizing their security initiatives hence undermining their employees and their personal lives? RQ4. Do companies use the right methods, technology and tools when they choose security and privacy as a priority? 4. 0 Hypothesis H1. Security and privacy actions increase things like productivity in the workplace. H2.Telephone and email monitoring, monitored computer web use and surveillance cameras are some of the security actions that some organizations are implementing to their workers. H3. Organizations nowadays are more focused on prioritizing their security initiatives thus undermining their employeesââ¬â¢ personal lives. H4. For a company to maintain good quality security and privacy within their organization they have to own the right tools, technologies and methods. Theoretical Framework Workplace performance Security and Privacy in the workplace Priorities of the company such as productivity and protectionT he independent variable is security and privacy implementation in companies and workplace performance is the dependent variable. Priorities of companies such as productivity and protection are the controlling variables to the results. 5. 0 Achievements gained From Implementing Security and Privacy in the Workplace Organizations hope to achieve a better performance from their employees when they implement security in the workplace. Most companies today in most parts of the world do observe their workers because they have reasonable reasons for doing so.Since employers are accountable for their employees they have to provide them with a safe and a secure workplace. By monitoring or surveilling employees, employers hope to achieve several things such as employee or customer satisfaction, protection of the companyââ¬â¢s confidential information and prevent trade secrets from leaking out, non-offensive material from emails and the internet, high performance from the network and the sy stems and to boost employee productivity (Vorvoreanu and Botan, 2001). 5. Non-offensive material from emails and the Internet According to Lee and Kleiner (2003), employees are responsible for all their workers during employment hours such that even any of the workers happens to send offensive information/materials and they happen to offend the receiver, the employers are the ones who will be liable to this course of action. If the material that would have been sent is found offensive for certain then the company can be sued which can affect the companiesââ¬â¢ reputation to a greater extent.To prevent such cases most companies have seen it fit to take the initiative of monitoring each and every email and web use by the employees. 5. 2 Prevention of trade secrets from leaking out According to Paciniet al. (2008), there are several physical actions that employees consider when doing an internal control to safeguard trade secrets of the company. Such actions include a restriction on accessing certain premises (use of key cards), locks for all file cabinets, surveillance equipment to see all movements and passwords for accessing computers.Monitoring employees especially when it comes to trade secrets boosts productivity because employees who have intentions to harm the organization are quickly detected and those who are loyal to the company will work to their maximum potential because they know that they are safe. 5. 3 High Performance from Network and the systems of the Company Companies do not only monitor their employees just to check if they are doing work properly. They also monitor them in order to know if the network and system performance is not being taken advantage of by being used for personal use hence a decrease in productivity.If a computer network is efficient it is of a great advantage because it increases productivity in the workplace. If a computer system is poor it can be a great loss to the firm because productivity can decrease which result s in loss of customers and profits. Most employers really consider the network bandwidth traffic; this is related to employees using the network for personal use . These activities include downloads which decreases network and systems performance, also sharing and use of large audio and video files, surfing the internet and personal emails which are of high volume.All these actions by employees can cause the network/system be attacked by viruses which may cause it to be disabled (Trim, 2005). Secondly, if the bandwidth is used for purposes that are not work-related somehow it would be an expense that could have been avoided and to make matters worse the expenses that are incurred do not contribute to the wellness of the firm (Strategic Direction, 2009). For example nowadays most organizations are seeking to adopt the Web 2. 0 technologies for the sake of privacy and security of their companies.This type of technology according to Almeida (2012), it enables the employers to prevent d ata loss which would have been caused by inappropriate use of social media applications such as YouTube, Skype during working hours will definitely increase productivity in the workplace. According to Doshi (2009), employer does believe in monitoring their employees because it is a fast and easy method of getting the job done. Productivity and profits increase because the employees will work efficiently and at ease hence a lot of work is done in a short period of time.When workers work efficiently the employees themselves is satisfied hence customers are satisfied as well (Chan et al. 2005). According to The Gazette (2008), Internet abuse is a rising problem that is costing Canadian businesses beyond sixteen billion dollars yearly in lost productivity and the amount is predicted to be eighty billion dollars in the United States. 6. 0 Security Actions That Most Organizations Are Implementing 6. 1 Drug Testing Most organizations do drug testing for security reasons.For companies that are doing drug test, they test mainly for alcohol and drugs separately and others test for both. Employees who come to do their job under the influence of drugs/alcohol may be a threat to other work-mates. Secondly, drug testing has increased because of a rise in health cost and an increase in the danger imposed by lawsuits which come from worker disease. Many companies are involved with drug testing their employees because it is one of the best ways for solving medical and economic problems (Jardine-Tweedie and Wright, 1998) .According to Lu and Kleiner (2004), if the drug testing by the employer is legal and correctly does things according to the law of that particular state then the company will have to look forward to higher profits. High profits are obtained because the employee will be more productive, higher level of morale, a low rate of absenteeism, low health care and fewer injuries are encountered during working periods. 6. 2 Electronic Surveillance Computers are changing rapidly nowadays especially in the workplaces such that monitoring employees by electric equipment is more common.Surveillance cameras/ CCTV is another means used by employers to monitor their employees, they are always aware of all the activities that take place in the organization and surrounding areas. According to Chen and Park (2005), monitoring employees regularly would reduce cases of spies in the organization getting away with their actions. Such cases are few because these ââ¬Å"spiesâ⬠are aware that they are being watched thereby lose interest to do any illegal actions that will jeopardize their identity (Lu and Kleiner, 2004).Next, managementââ¬â¢s main objective is to increase productivity and gain more profit hence they believe monitoring employeesââ¬â¢ will improve their productivity levels for the better and an assurance of service of high quality. Chieh and Kleiner (2003) states that employers can use information they get from the cameras to find out th ings that are going wrong in the workplace or find out reasons why productivity is decreasing. For example, an employer can discipline workers who may have been wasting their working hours on their own interest based from the information obtained from monitoring.From this employees are bound to focus more on their assigned duties rather than waste time during working hours. Surveilling employees also motivates them to work even harder than they have been doing (Lee and Kleiner, 2003). Managers can somehow conduct a performance evaluation of their employees whereby they will be able to give a feedback to the employeesââ¬â¢ and explain which parts needs correction. From monitoring they are able to dictate the type of employees who are hard-working and those who need help.Employers are also able to detect mistakes the employees are making and from this it will be easy to assist them and correct them. 6. 3 Emails, Voicemails/Telephone calls, Files and Web/Internet use monitoring Many companies monitor employeesââ¬â¢ emails, files, voicemails and internet use for various reasons. The number of companies who practice this type of monitoring has increased over the past years (Cox et al, 2005). Employers proclaim that by monitoring employees email, voicemails/telephone calls that way they can be certain that they do not contain any materials that can offend the receiver.Email monitoring is when employers monitor all emails that are going in and out for security purposes to make sure that employees are not disclosing employment or business confidential information. They may monitor as well to check if employees are not harassing other coworkers. Telephone monitoring is a system of managing calls and observing service by the employees. This type of surveillance is used to monitor employees when they make or receive calls and they can gather information on how the employees are performing.Internet use monitoring is when managers take the initiative to observe all t he steps of their employeeââ¬â¢s online tracks. Sixty percent of the firms in the United States of America gain from the complex technology and they opt to monitor the workers activities on the Internet (Ciocchetti, 2010). In cases that they are in such situations whereby a worker sends offensive material employees are able to deal with the accused accordingly based on the proof of recorded conversations/videos.For example, Xerox Company fired forty employees who were caught viewing Pornography sites on the internet during working hours (The Register, 2000). Employers have been monitoring all its employees all over the world (ninety-two thousand in total) by taking records of every web site opened. The main reasons why they were fired is because they spent most of their working hours on issues that were not related to their company and also viewing pornographic sites may have been offending material to coworkers.Companies have installed different types of technologies just to mon itor their employeesââ¬â¢ activities. Examples include software that filters specific content of information to prevent it from leaving the firm which may lead to the disposal of company secrets. Other types of software used by companies are those that can monitor log-on and off times so that employers can see if workers are wasting time on issues that are not company related.Monitoring of emails, voicemails, files and Web use is believed to be another way that makes it certain that employees will work efficiently and possess productive work habits. Productive work habits boosts efficiency which increases productivity thus perfecting customer service. According to Welebir and Kleiner (2005), the worry for organizations is to keep up with the aspect of having power over production and encouraging utilization of the Internet as a priceless resource.A survey conducted by IntelliQuest Information group revealed that there was an increase in private use of the Internet at work. The re sults signified that the use of had grown from 6. 9 hours to 9. 8 hours for every week prior to the last year and about fifty seven million workers access Internet from their workplace for private use. Further information provided by the study was that the number of workers seemingly receiving classified information from competitors has increased from 9. 2 percent to 24. percent within a year. Moreover workers are getting emails with attachments, roughly one fifth of the workers have reported receiving insulting email from an inner source and only a third to confess spending more time on the Internet for personal use. States do not have the same policies for monitoring and governing websites viewed by the residents. States like China, Vietnam and Singapore does not only block sites for pornography they also ban access to linguistic and political issues (Hechanova and Alampay, 2010). 7. Prioritizing Security and Privacy Ignores Employeesââ¬â¢ Personal Lives Opponents of implementi ng security and privacy in the organization state that organization nowadays are too concerned with their own company interests and its prosperity thus forgetting that their employees do have personal lives. Installing electronic cameras that will be watching their activities all day when they are at work, monitoring emails and phone calls is making companies seem as if they are forgetting that their employees have a life to live (Dubbeld, 2004).This side of the coin feels that staff is at liberty to confidentiality when they are using the Internet. Employees argue that as they are allowed to breaks, lunch hours or other selectedperiods where they are not liable to any duties but still in the building they should have the freedom to do things like checking their e-mail, do their banking or shopping and maybe just browse the Internet on free time. Everyone is entitled to some privacy no matter where they are so they argue that they should be able to do this during their free time wit hout anyone monitoring all their movements.Secondly, employees do not consider it as monitoring productivity when companies even observe staff in the toilet or relaxing areas of the office. Some employees consider it as an intrusion and they have lawful hope that they can maintain their personal lives private. Undermining workers privileges to confidentiality by surveillance and monitoring is not the only problem that employees face. It also generates high levels of stress and nervousness which to higher chances may lead to poor health of workers and a reduction in performance.Examples of physical wellbeing problems which may be caused by monitoring are repetitive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from performance monitoring by the company for instance keyboard strikes. To add on, employees believe thatthey are individuals who can make their own decisions hence it is their right to be treated as proficient andindependentpeople. Guaranteeing their individual development and pe rformance that can be valued is what they believe they can achieve if they are treated as independent people thus they consider surveillance as violating their privacy (Ahmed, 2007).Workers argue that as long as individual e-mail does not hinder or conflict with business life, it should be permitted. Employees also argue that phone calls take more time than writing an e-mail and also that they should be given time to do individual matters because it can reduce the rate of absenteeism. Most employees have suggested that as long as there is a realistic limit on this practice of monitoring emails, there is no reason for fear but in situations where someone does something unusual then they will have to be dealt with (Kierkegaard, 2005).Even if employees are informed that they are being monitored and in agreement that they are using company property they still feel that their employersââ¬â¢ are not respecting the fact that besides working for tem they also have personal lives which st ill go on whether they are working or not. 8. 0 Better results can be achieved by using the right tools, technologies and methods For a company to maintain good quality security and privacy within their organization they have to own the right tools, technologies and methods.A company cannot just instill a rule/wake up one morning with intentions of monitoring all the activities of their employees and expect high productivity. Companies have to follows certain regulations to install such things as software that monitors an employeesââ¬â¢ Internet use and all phone calls, drug testing and electronic surveillance. A cautiously worded policy that informs employees concerning the necessity of surveillance in the company will be the most probable way that it can gain acceptance or support for workplace monitoring from them (Watson, 2002).According to Mei-ShaChieh and Kleiner (2003), as regards to other forms of monitoring, it is vital that all forms of surveillance should not be unreas onably intrusive. The methods that employerââ¬â¢s use when they consider monitoring employees should be practical because if they are not deemed like that then the company can encounter problems such as rebellious employees; which may cause a decrease in performance. Arnesen and Weis (2007) critically supports the idea that Employers must know that it would not be irrationally intrusive to observe what an employee does in public; however it might be intrusive to observe the employeeââ¬â¢s behavior hen they are in private places such as the toilet. For example, it may be practical to take pictures of employees when they are at work to observe productivity. However, it may unreasonable to put transparent panels in the ceiling of an employee lavatory. Moreover, if convincing conditions state the use of cameras in locker rooms or other private areas, they are supposed to have signs warning employees they are there. Next, Kierkegaard (2005) states the some of the international regu lations and codes that organizations should take note of when they decide to prioritize security and some form of privacy in their workplace.The International Labor Office (ILO) has issued a Code of Practice on the Protection of workerââ¬â¢s personal dataâ⬠and it is anticipated to give assistance on the safeguard of workersââ¬â¢ private data. The most important requirements of the Code include issues like using individual data legally and justly only for reasons that are directly applicable to the employment of the staff and for the reasons which they were gathered for in the first place. Employers should by all means necessary not keep insightful private information of employees and all employees should be well-informed before such events take place in the organization.They should be informed of any kind of monitoring that especially the ones that involve personal data collection. However, the information obtained from monitoring them should not be the only issues when doing a performance appraisal. Companies have a duty to safeguard private documents against any kind of a loss, unapproved access, usage, changes or exposure. Employees must have admission to their entire personal information and all rights to scrutinize and get a copy of all the archives.Revealing an Internet supervising policy is an essential element in an organization. Workers ought to be up to date with the type of activities that would be supervised, the regularity monitoring and how the management will be informed of the activity. If the organization verifies how the employees use their Internet then they must be informed and if the company retains deleted information for reasons like security when they should be informed about it (Welebir and Kleiner, 2005). The staff should not have beliefs that their actions on the Internet are confidential.Even though companies do not want to present the idea that they are monitoring each word they key in and mouse clicks on the Internet, it is compulsory to tell employees that they do not own any personal confidential rights when they are using the company Internet. 9. 0 Research Design and Methodology The impact of implementing security and privacy in the workplace and the effect it has on performance in the firm is an ontological study which takes a subjectivism view because security and privacy is created from the perception that workplace performance might be positively or negatively affected.The research is more of an explanatory studywhich is a deductive approach where Saunders et al. (2006), defines deductive astestinga concept in which the researcher cultivates the concept and assumption and design a research plan to test the assumption. The research strategy that is suitable for this study is survey because according to Saunders et al. (2006), it is usually related to a deductive approach and since we are using companies it is a tactic commonly used in businesses.I believe the research choice suitable for t he study is a multi-method qualitative study whereby semi-structured interviews and questionnaires can be used for data collecting. Time horizon that can be used is a longitudinal study where according to Saunders (2006), the researcher embarks on a study at numerous facts in time in order to answer a research question. For reliability and validity sake to how security and privacy affect workplace performance several times of embarking on such a question will provide accurate results. Physical access is the one suitable for my study since I am an external researcher.Access would be granted from the management of all the companies that are to be used for the study and gaining an informal access from all the employees for accurate results. One of strategies that can be used to gain this access is that the project will benefit the company in one way or the other. Research ethics that should be maintained during data collection stage are confidentiality and anonymity. Furthermore, the s ampling method technique I used is probability specifically cluster sampling is what I would consider because there are specific types of jobs that make use of surveillance cameras, computers (with internet) and telephones. . 1 Possible Results Based on the literature analysis, H1 can be accepted because by implementing security in the workplace it can work in two ways. Firstly, protects the business from competitors and can be used when evaluating employees. H2 can also be accepted because not only American companies use Surveillance cameras, do telephone and Internet monitoring, companies in Europe and in countries like China, Vietnam, Philippine, Australia also do the same. H4 is acceptable because for the policy of applying security and privacy to work companies have to follow proper procedures.However H3 will remain debatable in the sense that in every topic that arises there is always going to be a group of people who will rebut the idea. It is acceptable only when the company does not communicate the use and the reasons behind the monitoring. 10. Conclusion Based on the evidence and facts from the literature review which provided various perspectives about security and privacy it can be concluded that monitoring employees can result in something noble or something unscrupulous.For example, emails and surfing the Internet can be a disruption but at the same time the feeling of being watched regularly can also be a disruption. Law of privacy has to balance employee interest against those of the employers and more prominently it must center on the important concepts of human self-esteem. Information technology has assisted firms to enlarge their productivity and efficiency but the misuse of the Internet has steered firms to monitor all communications operated electronically to guard their companies and limit legal responsibilities.Nowadays two major developments to be concerned about in regards to electronic surveillance is the great concern for employee p rivacy and the increased cases of employers being caught accountable for workersââ¬â¢ misbehaviors of electronic communication. Although the courts are in support of employers they must be alert about the workersââ¬â¢ rights though shielding the firmsââ¬â¢ interests. Words 4 282 References Ahmed, S. ( 2007). Analysis of Workplace Surveillance In a Quest for an Ethical Stance. Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics, Vol 2,No. 4. 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(2003) ââ¬Å"Privacy management ââ¬â a new era in the Australian business environmentâ⬠, Journal of Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 1 Iss: 2, pp. 60 ââ¬â 66 Ying-Tzu Lu, Brian H. Kleiner, (2004),â⬠Drug testing in the workplaceâ⬠, Journal of Management Research News, Vol. 27 Iss: 4 pp. 46 ââ¬â 53 Jardine-Tweedie, L. and Phillip C. Wright, (1998) ââ¬Å"Workplace drug testing: avoiding the testing addictionâ⬠, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 13 Iss: 8, pp. 534 ââ¬â 543 Chan, M; Woon, I. and Kanakanh alli, A. (2005). ââ¬Å"Perceptions of Information Security in the workplace : Linking Information Security climate to Compliant Behaviorâ⬠, Journal of Information Privacy and Security, Volume 1 Issue: 3, pp. 8-41 Chieh, C. M. and Kleiner, B. H. (2003), ââ¬Å"How organisations manage the issue of employee privacy todayâ⬠, Journal of Management Research News, Vol. 26 Iss: 2 pp. 82 ââ¬â 88 Bibliography Gritzalis, S. (2004). ââ¬Å"Enhancing Web privacy and anonymity in the digital eraâ⬠, Journal of Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 12 Iss: 3, pp. 255 ââ¬â 287. Griffiths, M. (2010),â⬠Internet abuse and internet addiction in the workplaceâ⬠, Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 22 Iss: 7 pp. 463 ââ¬â 472 Morgan, C. (1999).Employer Monitoring Of the Employee Electronic Mail And Internet Use. McGill Law Journal, Vol. 44 pp. 850-902. Jardine-Tweedie, L. and Phillip C. Wright, (1998) ââ¬Å"Workplace drug testing: avoiding the testing addi ctionâ⬠, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 13 Iss: 8, pp. 534 ââ¬â 543 Appendices Appendix 1: Evaluation of Sources In order to do my literature review I made use of secondary data which consisted of journals, books and web publications (which included newspapers). From these sources I could get dependable information because they are reliable sources.I did not manage to get a lot of recent journals for the current year and for the previous year but I did manage to get publications which were within the ten years. These sources really helped me understand more facts about my research topic. Most of the journals that I found were useful to explain my topic and write more facts because they had information that I wanted to use. Most of the journals that I found discussed reasons why organizations were implementing security and privacy in their organizations and the proper procedures that were supposed to be taken for such policies.However it was not easy to get journals that rebuttal those ideas and supported that somehow it affected employees. Secondly, I was able to find journals that explained security and privacy from companies in different countries. The issue of security and privacy in the workplace was more crucial beginning 1996 which shows that itââ¬â¢s an issue that that was brought about technology advancements. I found most of my journals on emerald insight and to top it up I found more from scholar web publications. I took my time to paraphrase all the necessary information from the journals that I found to support all my assumptions.I used twenty- three journals to support my ideas, except for one journal all of them the author name was given, dates, journal article headings and all the information needed to do the referencing. The impact of implementing security and privacy and its effect on workplace performance Appendix 2: Mind Map Week 1 Received topics to research on Week 2 Search for relevant journals mainly from Emerald Insi ght. com Week 2 Research Objectives Research Questions Hypothesis Week 2 Chose the research topic Week 3 Theoretical Framework Introduction & Search for more JournalsWeek 4 Non-offensive material from emails and the Internet High performance from company networks &systems Week 4 Protection of company confidential information Prevention of trade secrets from leaking out Week 4 Positive effects of security and privacy mainly on productivity, employee &customer satisfaction Week 5 Security & Privacy actions that companies are using Week 6 Facts raised by opponents of Security and privacy e. g. electronic surveillance Week 7 Owning the right tools, technologies and methods Week 9 Research Design and Methodology Possible Results
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Bureau of Prisons Regulatory Agency Essay
Health Care is not just of concern to the private sector. Health Care reaches into the prison system as well. Federal and state laws have been created to ensure that the prison system provides health care through the medical facilities available. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is the government agency that regulates the health care that is given to federal inmates in the United States. The BOP licensesââ¬â¢, certifies, accredits, and runs the background checks necessary to obtain employment. Agencyââ¬â¢s role Created on May 14, 1930 by President Herbert Hoover the Federal Bureau of Prisons is a subdivision of the United States Justice Department. The BOP is responsible for the administration of the Federal prison system. According to the Bureau of Prisons, ââ¬Å"Our inmate population consists of people awaiting trial for violating federal laws or those who have already been convicted of committing a federal crimeâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Federal Inmates,â⬠n.d., p. 1). The BOP is responsible for providing compassionate care to the inmates in the system and to help the employees that work in the system to maintain open minds towards the situation of the inmates. This does not mean to give the inmates special treatment but being able to have some understanding of what the inmate is going through being incarcerated. The BOP is responsible for providing health care to the inmates in agreement with federal and state laws. Health care impact The BOP provides health care for the inmates. The services provided by the BOP are medical, dental, and mental health services. As of May 1, 2014 there are 216,787 inmates and 39,226 staff members in the Federal prison system. For some of the inmates, the health care services received while incarcerated are the first they have ever had in their lives. As the current trend of health wellness is moving forward throughout the rest of the country the BOP has adopted the same thought process. Health wellness and prevention is being taught in the prison system to inmates. Counseling is given during visits with health care professionals. Education is given about medications, body wellness, infectious disease prevention, and chronicà care management for heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health care problem the inmate may have. The medical staff is included in the care the BOP extends throughout the prison system. Clean air environments, safe work spaces, correct equipment is provided to health care workers to provide the best care they can. Care services are coordinated with health care providers in the community that are willing to help inmates with their health issues or that are employed by the BOP to provide services. Example of duties Tele-health care is a new and innovative way that inmates are able to access care that is not onsite at the facility they are housed in. Efficient health care is recognized in the State of Wisconsin where weekly trips to the closest health care facility were 55 miles away. Dr. Armand Start says, ââ¬Å"The system allows physicians to evaluate the inmate while discussing the case with correctional personnel. Communication is an integral part of diagnosing and treating patients. The physician-to-physician contact also empowers the corrections staff to learn more about the conditions of their inmatesâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Telemedicine,â⬠1995, p. 1). Citizens are very aware of the possibility of the danger involved when transporting prisons anywhere outside of the facility. This option also gives the surrounding community a sense of peace. Telemedicine also gives inmates the ability to continue mental health care with their established physician. Inmates who are not able to leave their cells because of sickness, injury, or discipline reasons can still attend their sessions through telemedicine. Also, access to other specialized health care services is recognized through telemedicine that historically would not be available to inmates. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is responsible for executing lethal injections on the federal level. The Bureau of Prisons maintains the federal location where lethal injections are carried out when an inmate has exhausted all available options to fight their conviction and sentencing. The facility isà in Terre Haute, Indiana. The last person executed at the Terre Haute facility was Timothy McVey who bombed the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building killing 168 people. He was executed June 11, 2001. Regulatory authority The Federal Bureau of Prisons must adhere to regulations when providing health care to the inmate population. Regulations and guidelines may vary from facility to facility, but the BOP has the authority to intervene regardless the situation. The BOP is responsible for maintaining the regulations that are used so that inmates are not abused or under cared for. Health care services are regulated by the BOP and adherence to the regulations established must be followed by the individual facilities. The Bureau of Prisons carefully lists the inmateââ¬â¢s health care rights and the inmateââ¬â¢s responsibilities in order have access those rights. In the Federal Correction Institution at Terminal Island, California the Inmate Information Handbook lists out the specific rights to health care access each inmate has and then the handbook lists the inmateââ¬â¢s responsibility to be able to access the health care. An example is the inmate has the right to access all services on Terminal Island including medical, dental, and all support services but the inmate has the responsibility to ââ¬Å"to comply with the health care policies of this institution, and follow recommended treatment plans established for you, by health care providers. You have the responsibility to provide accurate and complete information about complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters of careâ⬠(Handbook, 2011, p. 19). The BOP establishes with the inmate that the inmate does have rights and is entitled to health care but only if the inmates can control themselves and be responsible for their actions. Inmates usually do not distinguish the two aspects listed out in the handbook and believe their rights are being violated when they are acting violently or unsafely around health care providers. The BOP is very clear on what is expected of the inmate so they can access their health care rights. Accreditation The American Correctional Association (ACA) develops national standards for the accreditation of correctional facilities. The ACA states, ââ¬Å"Through accreditation, an agency is able to maintain a balance between protecting the public, and providing an environment that safeguards the life, health and safety of staff and offendersâ⬠(Accreditation n.d., p. 1). Participating in the accreditation is voluntary by the facility. If a correctional facility wants to be accredited there is an intense 18-month process that has to be completed by the facility. Self-evaluations, procedures, and policies are reviewed during the entire three-year accreditation process. Employees are required to have the correct certification or licensure in order to be hired and to maintain employment that is required by the state or agency they work for. Employees must continue to renew their licenses and stay current on their required continuing medical education credits. Although employees are ultimatel y responsible for their licensure the facility must do reviews of employee records to start the process off reminding the employee of eminent expirations. Conclusion The Federal Bureau of Prisons is the regulating agency that sets the precedent for correctional facilities and prisons in the United States. The Federal Bureau of Prisons regulates the health care given to the inmates that are incarcerated in the prison system. The health care given to the inmates is their right to receive, but they are held to their own responsibilities to be able to access the health care offered to them. The prison health care system is evolving to create a better system for inmates just as the private health care system is evolving throughout the Unites States to provide better health care for its citizens.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Native Son Essays - Ethics, Native Son, Blindness, Visual Impairment
Native Son Essays - Ethics, Native Son, Blindness, Visual Impairment Native Son Bigger Thomas has been shaped by various forces. Forces that have changed the life completely for Bigger Thomas. In Native Son, Bigger Thomas seems to be composed of a mass of disruptive emotions rather than a rational mind joined by a soul. Bigger strives to find a place for himself, but the blindness he encounters in those around him and the bleak harshness of the Naturalistic society that Wright presents the reader with close him out as effectively as if they had shut a door in his face. In the first book, Wright tells the reader these were the rhythms of his life: indifference and violence; periods of abstract brooding and periods of intense desire; moments of silence and moments of anger like water ebbing and flowing from the tug of a far-away, invisible force (p.31). Bigger is controlled by forces that he cannot tangibly understand. Bigger's many acts of violence are, in effect, a quest for a soul. He desires an identity that is his alone. Both the white and the black communities have robbed him of dignity, identity, and individuality. The human side of the city is closed to him, and for the most part Bigger relates more to the faceless mass of the buildings and the mute body of the city than to another human being. His mother's philosophy of suffering to wait for a later reward is equally stagnating to Bigger it appears that she is weak and will not fight to live. Her religion is a blindness; but she needs to be blind in order to survive, to fit into a society that would drive a seeing person mad. All of the characters that Bigger says are blind are living in darkness because the light is too painful. Bigger wants to break through that blindness, to discover something of worth in himself, thinking that all one had to do was be bold, do something nobody ever thought of. The whole things came to him in the form of a powerful and simple feeling; there was in everyone a great hunger to believe that made them blind, and if he could see while others were blind, then he could get what he wanted and never be caught at it (p.102). Just as Bigger later hides himself amidst the catacombs of the old buildings, many people hide themselves deep within their minds in order to bear the ordeal of life and the oppression of an uncaring society. But their blindness allows them something that Bigger cannot achieve: it allows these people to meld into the society that is the city, while Bigger must stand at the outside of that community alternately marvelling and hating the compromises of those within. Bigger is alone; he is isolated from every facet of human affection. Max tells the court that Bigger cannot kill because he himself is dead, and a person without empathy or sympathy, without the deep, steadying love of family or faith in anything. When he lashes out in violence it is in a way a search for what hurt him; he hurts others because it is a way of hiding that he is hurt and afraid.). If one considers life to be a period of growth and learning, recognition of self-worth and of the worth of others, then Bigger has not been given the chance to live. Book Three is called Fate, and indeed Bigger seems to be controlled his entire life by ambivalent outside forces who could care less about him. He has been lied to until he believes the lies he tells himself. He has no place in society. His own mother believes in him no more than the billboard reading you can't win that he sees each day outside his apartment. He has grown up in an environment where enormous rats fester in holes and water is a maybe situation, where meals are precarious and money is almost nonexistent, and where he is told time and time again that he has no worth, no dignity, no intelligence or creativity. Is it any wonder that Bigger is violent? It seems more fantastic that all of the people around him are not. When he says, upon reading the paper No!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Invention of the Cotton Gin and Its Historic Impact
The Invention of the Cotton Gin and Its Historic Impact The cotton gin, patented by American-born born inventor Eli Whitney in 1794, revolutionized the cotton industry by greatly speeding up the tedious process of removing seeds and husks from cotton fiber. Similar to todayââ¬â¢s massive machines, Whitneyââ¬â¢s cotton gin used hooks to draw unprocessed cotton through a small-mesh screen that separated the fiber from seeds and husks. As one of the many inventions created during the American Industrial Revolution, the cotton gin had an enormous impact on the cotton industry, and the American economy, especially in the South. Unfortunately, it also changed the face of the slave trade - for the worse. How Eli Whitney Learned About Cotton Born on December 8, 1765, in Westborough, Massachusetts, Eli Whitney was raised by a farming father, a talented mechanic, and inventor himself. After graduating from Yale College in 1792, Eli moved to Georgia, after accepting an invitation to live on the plantation of Catherine Greene, the widow of an American Revolutionary War general. On her plantation named Mulberry Grove, near Savannah, Whitney learned of the difficulties cotton growers faced trying to make a living. While easier to grow and store than food crops, cottonââ¬â¢s seeds were hard to separate from the soft fiber. Forced to do the job by hand, each worker could pick the seeds from no more than about one pound of cotton per day. Shortly after learning about the process and the problem, Whitney had built his first working cotton gin. Early versions of his gin, although small and hand-cranked, were easily reproduced and could remove the seeds from 50 pounds of cotton in a single day. Historical Significance of the Cotton Gin The cotton gin made the cotton industry of the south explode. Beforeà its invention, separating cotton fibers from its seeds was a labor-intensive and unprofitable venture. After Eli Whitney unveiled hisà cotton gin, processing cotton became much easier, resulting in greater availability and cheaper cloth. However, the invention also had the by-product of increasing the number of slaves needed to pick the cotton and thereby strengthening the arguments for continuing slavery. Cotton as a cash crop became so important that it was known as King Cotton and affected politics up until the Civil War. A Booming Industry Eli Whitneys cotton gin revolutionized an essential step of cotton processing. The resulting increase in cotton productionà dovetailed with other Industrial Revolution inventions, namely the steamboat, which greatly increased the shipping rate of cotton, as well as machinery that spun and wove cotton much more efficiently than it had been done in the past. These and other advancements, not to mention the increased profits generated by the higher production rates, sent the cotton industry on an astronomical trajectory. By the middle of the 1800s, the United States produced over 75 percent of the worlds cotton, and 60 percent of the nations total exports came from the South. Most of those exports were cotton. Much of the Southââ¬â¢s suddenly-increased quantity of ready-to-weave cotton was exported to the North, much of it destined to feed the New England textile mills. The Cotton Gin and Slaveryà When he died in 1825, Whitney had never realized that the invention for which he is best known today had actually contributed to the growth of slavery and, to a degree, the Civil War. While his cotton gin had reduced the number of workers needed to remove the seeds from the fiber, it actually increased the number of slaves the plantation owners needed to plant, cultivate, and harvest the cotton. Thanks largely to the cotton gin, growing cotton became so profitable that plantation owners constantly needed more land and slave labor to meet the increasing demand for the fiber. From 1790 to 1860, the number of U.S. states where slavery was practiced grew from six to 15. From 1790, until Congress banned the importation of slaves from Africa in 1808, the slave states imported over 80,000 Africans. By 1860, the year before the outbreak of the Civil War, approximately one in three residents of the Southern states was a slave. Whitneys Other Invention: Mass-Production Though patent law disputes kept Whitney from significantly profiting from his cotton gin, he was awarded a U.S. government in 1789 to produce 10,000 muskets in two years, a number of rifles never before built in such a short period of time. At the time, guns were built one-at-a-time by skilled craftsmen, thus resulting in weapons each made of unique parts and difficult, if not impossible to repair. Whitney, however, developed a manufacturing process using standardized identical and interchangeable parts that both sped production and simplified repair. While it took Whitney some 10 years, rather than two to fulfill his contract, his methods of using standardized parts that could be assembled and repaired by relatively unskilled workers resulted in his being credited with pioneering the development of Americaââ¬â¢s industrial system of mass-production. -Updated by Robert Longley
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Policy Corruption in New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina Essay
Policy Corruption in New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example However, this may not always hold true. For one reason or another, there are countries in which those part of the law enforcement agency are not only poor or incompetent at their job, but are more concerned of pursuing their own self-interests rather than to serve and to protect. Of course, the most instinctive solution would be to kick them out of the force, but even this does not always happen ââ¬â often because the higher-ups remain ignorant, or worse, are themselves complicit in such morally questionable acts. While no law enforcement agency can ever be characterized as perfect ââ¬â not least because each one will have at least a few shortcomings or problem areas to balance out its strengths ââ¬â there are those that go as far as they can in the other extreme, not just failing to enforce and uphold law and order but even actively undermining it. In such a case, the so-called law enforcers become little more than goons in uniform, terrorizing the public in a manner not unlike the criminals they are supposed to be hunting down. Unfortunately, even in this day and age, there are law enforcement agencies which can be aptly described in such a manner. One of the more infamous examples in recent memory is the New Orleans Police Force, which was rocked by all manner of issues such as corruption and police brutality in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This paper is thus intended as a look at the corruption that rocked the NOPD to its foundations in the immediate aftermath of the calamity, hopefully in order to draw conclusions about how best to prevent such a scandal from recurring in the future. NOPD ââ¬â The Corruption As noted in the New York Times by Treaster and Newman (2005), the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina saw the bulk of the police force dedicated to mounting rescue efforts all over the city. Unfortunately, this also meant that they ended up turning a blind eye to the opportunists who chose that moment to enrich themselves at the cost of th e victims of the disaster. As a matter of fact, the inaction of the police force to these crimes resulted in criminals becoming so audacious as to commit crimes not only in broad daylight, but even in front of officers themselves in some cases ââ¬â often with only a slap on the wrist to show for it, if at all. In fact, the situation got so bad that even then-City Councilor Jackie Clarkson was forced to acknowledge and lament the rapidly deteriorating situation. The calamity that had struck only recently at that time led to a major, major breakdown in channels of transportation and communications, which in turn led to a disquieting impotence on the part of police officers to properly counteract the terrible, terrible spike in crime rates. Looting in particular became alarmingly common during this time, with the shopkeepers involved forced to defend their property all by themselves. Armed robbery also reached a disturbing level of frequency at this point in the history of New Orle ans, with most of the victims being robbed at gunpoint. For the most part, though, the looting incidents that were reported simply involved calamity victims gathering basic necessities such as food, water and clothing from unattended stores ââ¬â which, while still being far from legally or morally permissible, were much more understandable in light of the terrible, terrible damage wrought by Hurricane Katrina.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Course Content and Modes of Teaching Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Course Content and Modes of Teaching - Assignment Example This study stresses that the fact that the course is undertaken by both local and international students, we are dealing with issues that require cultural diversity to be appreciated so as to interact with other members of the class. The process of interacting with a wide range of cultures in the class has enabled me to develop interest in communication, thus leading to success in this class. In addition, the communication class helps in improving the author's English skills in both written and oral language, which is an essential aspect in the real-life workplace and thus. This research discusses that in presenting the course material, the teacher uses different methods, including lecturing, where the teacher is the sole disseminator of information. In this method, interaction with the students is mainly limited by the lecturer when presenting the instructions. The demonstration method is mainly used in the health class and involves the students observing the process of carrying out a procedure. The health class is complemented with practical exercise where the students participate actively in the process. In addition, the communication class uses the brainstorming method where the instructor gives instructions and the students form groups where they discuss opposing ideas.à Each one of the courses is aimed at a unique purpose. On one hand, the health course is aimed at honing the studentsââ¬â¢ skills in relation to basic health terminologies while preparing them for future professional practice in health-related areas.Ã
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